My name is
I'm Deputy Regional Director

«My advice? Never be ashamed, nor afraid to speak up about your ambitions, whatever the field you are in.»


I was a Construction Director, then became Project Director on the “Grand Paris Express” project. At NGE, there is a subtle yet important difference between the two. The first is more focused on the construction site while, in the second one, we orchestrate everything, we are the leaders on board with a real authority.



My ambition was heard. The top management widened the sphere of possibilities, almost limitless and I was able to pick what I saw fit for me. Now, I am Deputy Regional Director in the French Languedoc-Roussillon region.

Personal experiences
Find out more about Plate Forme Our 100% in-house training college

Setting up our own ‘Plate Forme’ training college has provided us with an invaluable resource for assured self-sufficiency in employee training, and allows us to design bespoke training programmes that precisely meet the needs of trainees and the requirements of the Group.

  • 4 training centres and 2 technical centres
  • 80 training programmes
  • 61% of employees have taken at least one training course
  • 583,179 hours of training (including work-study)